3 Micro SaaS Ideas Job Boards, Resumes, Interview related Tools

Micro-saas ideas around Job Boards, Resumes, Interview related Tools that can generate $1K to $10K MRR.

3 Micro SaaS Ideas Job Boards, Resumes, Interview related Tools

1. Reverse Job Boards

Reverse Job Boards are a new thing that is gaining traction. Instead of displaying jobs, the reverse job boards display candidates’ information and their interests. Instead of candidates searching for jobs, companies search for candidates in a predefined curated database listing. You can pretty much bring this model to any niche/segment.
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For example, RailsDevs applied the same model for Rails Developers and crossed $4K MRR. On top of the monthly subscription, RailsDevs also charges approximately $10K-$20K for every hire as a referral fee. MyPerfectJob is applying the same concept to Product Managers. Pick a specific segment like Front end devs, Cloud devs, and Web3 devs and apply the concept of Reverse Job Boards. It might need some initial effort to ping people and explain and ask the candidates to register to your listing. But once you have about 100-200 candidates, it will be in a good shape and you can start charging companies a subscription fee.

2. Interview prep tools/material

Create a tool to help candidates/developers with mock interviews and sample ad-hoc interviews. Developers would be happy to pay for such products if these could increase their chances of getting a job even by 5%. If you are creating tools like this, start with simple content. For example, content like ‘100 questions to crack your AWS interview’, ‘400 questions on Data Science’ etc will help you grow faster. Make sure you add an email subscription so that you can upsell your product at a later stage. You can niche down as much as you can instead of being too generic. For inspiration - SqlPad started as a product to help Data Analysts, and SQL Developers master interviews and has grown into a full-blown product. SqlPad crossed $10K MRR in 15 months of launching the product.
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3. Hiring for Cloud

The number of open positions for the cloud has been growing exponentially and every company is trying to move to the cloud. With this, there are many companies opening positions for the cloud. One big challenge with cloud hiring is the broad skills one needs to be tested on the cloud. Unlike other positions like Backend developer, and Frontend developer where you need to be tested on definitive skills, the cloud is different. In the cloud, there are many positions like Cloud SRE (Site Reliability Engineer), Cloud DevOps Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Database Specialist, Cloud Architect, etc. On top of this, there are multiple cloud vendors - AWS, GCP, and Azure are the major cloud players. So, having a mechanism for cloud hiring isn’t easy and it consumes a lot of hours from engineering teams to screen candidates.
Create a Micro SaaS around cloud hiring by automating what is required for cloud screening. Note that the automation required for cloud hiring isn’t going to be easy with each vendor having hundreds of services across various domains. But start with the most tested skills like ‘Cloud Engineering’ skills and keep the test cases as agnostic as possible to programming languages. For example, define the automation to give the problem statement and let the candidate pick the programming language, and provide a solution that you can validate. Automating this may not be possible all the time. Start with manual validation after each candidate submits and slowly plan to automate things as you get more customers.
Need more ideas around Job Boards, Resumes, Interview related tools ,technical chops to implement these ideas and marketing chops to validate these ideas?
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