
Best Micro SaaS Ideas and Niches for 2023-24

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Best Micro SaaS Ideas and Niches for 2023-24

Micro SaaS is a variation of SaaS that targets a specific niche or a small segment of users by addressing a highly focused problem. One key advantage of Micro SaaS as compared to SaaS is that it’s easier to bootstrap your entire business using your own capital without any external funding. This is feasible as it requires lesser time and resources and the product is relatively much simpler to build. However, finding good Micro SaaS product ideas that can be profitable can be is quite challenging. In this post, we first discuss some of the promising microsaas niches along with several examples of profitable micro saas companies in each niche. We also identify some of the key Micro-SaaS trends for 2024 that you can take advantage of as a SaaS or Micor SaaS founder.

8 Best Micro SaaS Niches for 2024

1. Micro SaaS Tools for Hybrid and Remote Teams

As number of companies opting for remote or hybrid model continues to grow, there are increasing opportunities for micro-saas in this space. There are multiple challenges that are unique for hybrid and remote teams.

One of the primary challenges is the need to optimize resources, such as desks, rooms etc., both from a planning and cost standpoint.

Then there’s an issue of a stronger collaboration. Mimicking a real-time office collaboration between hybrid teams is not easy. In the case of physical working spaces, people can just walk to the desk and look around to see which team sits where and can easily collaborate. Bringing this kind of experience to the hybrid team is complex.

Moreover, many simpler tasks like a daily standup meeting become uncomfortable for teams with remote employees because of varied time zones.

We also see that employees are increasingly turning to hybrid work arrangements, yet there is a lack of tools that can create a social hub for teams and employees within a company.

All these and other problems faced by remote and hybrid teams provide opportunities for micro-saas entrepreneurs to build a solution that solves a specific problem.

Micro SaaS examples around tools for Hybrid and Remote Teams:

  •**:** For remote teams to organize team socials or team-building activities. New activities, from board games and trivia to soccer and escape rooms, are added every week to team spaces. Campfire hit $294K in revenue in 2022.
  • Transform your hybrid office with one tool to book desks and boost attendance, all in Slack. Reached $75K in monthly recurring revenue.
  • Async video collaboration for hybrid teams. Lets users record quick videos of their screen, get contextual feedback, and make decisions. Clap was founded in 2021 and has received $3M in funding. Estimated annual revenue is currently $2.6M

2. Freelancer Ecosystem Micro SaaS Tools

Freelancers have become a significant part of the global workforce. There are many reasons why freelancing is becoming so popular including increased flexibility and a higher degree of autonomy. Freelancers, however, have their own unique pain points requiring niche solutions.

Among these challenges is the process of sharing designs and getting feedback. While freelancers can capture the screenshots of designs or send sample links to clients, it takes a lot of time for clients to give feedback in a doc and share it back with the freelancer. On top of that, this is typically a back and forth process until the designs get finalized.

Another issue is that freelancers find getting leads a very difficult task as most of the time they don't know where to get them. They end up wasting their time with low-quality leads and are never able to grow their business. The problem is not having not enough leads but not knowing how to generate them.

Invoicing for freelancers has its own specific needs that may not be catered by general tools.. If they are using marketplaces like Fiverr or Upwork, it gets taken care of automatically. But there are thousands of freelancers who are not part of marketplaces and work on their own. For these freelancers, there is a great need for invoice generations tools.

Lastly, while normal freelancer marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork are meant for general freelancers and caters to a much bigger market, there is a lot of demand for vetted freelance marketplace. A vetted marketplace is a premium version of a normal freelance market. This can be extended and drilled down to specific niches as well. For example - a vetted marketplace only for designers or only for react developers or only for frontend developers. You can drill down to a location as well.

Micro SaaS examples around Freelance Ecosystem:

  • Tiiny.Host: For freelancers & agencies, TiinyHost is a perfect for sharing quick updates with clients. Just a simple, hassle-free way to host prototypes. Crossed $2K MRR in less than 2 years.
  • Time tracker that allows teams, managers, and freelancers to measure time spent on tasks and projects. Estimated revenue $9K MRR.
  • A website feedback tool that allows you to leave comments directly on live websites and make real-time CSS edits, so that you can share precise feedback with your team. 7000+ teams and freelancers use Ruttl daily as their website feedback tool. Generated $40K revenue in 5 days.

3. Sales and Cold outreach Micro SaaS Examples

Cold outreach is reaching out to potential customers who aren’t aware of your products or services via email, social media or phone calls etc. Companies need tools that make this cold outreach more efficient and cost effective. Consequently, there is a need for solutions for quickly finding high-quality leads, personalizing cold outreach communications at scale, keeping track of all outreach efforts and scheduling follow-ups, analyzing the responses etc.

Micro SaaS examples around Sale and cold outreach:

• Personalize cold emails, automate follow-ups, and engage with leads across all channels with Lemlist. Sales automation and cold email software in one tool. The estimated revenue is $8M/year.

• automates every aspect of sales commissions - from participant enrollment to incentive plan design. Sales Cookie reached $389.1K in revenue in 2022.

• Users get accurate sales call summaries automatically generated by Sybill's AI and pushed to Slack/CRM. Includes next steps, areas of interest, pain points and more. Writes a draft follow-up email and also captures non-verbal reactions in a report. Founded in 2020, Sybill received $1.6M in funding.

4. Mental Health Micro SaaS Products

Mental Health' is gaining a lot of importance. With growing remote and work-from-home opportunities, it’s not easy for everyone to keep up with mental health. A well-balanced mental state gives human beings a competitive edge over others. And for remote workers, in particular, it can be even more important. Predicting this trend, many companies started to build solutions, communities, products, bots around mental health and make thousands of dollars in revenue.

Micro SaaS examples around mental health:

  • Ollie.Health**:** Mental health credits for modern teams. Employees need mental health support now more than ever. With Ollie credits, employees in companies can access virtual mental health sessions anonymously. Crossed $1K MRR is less than a year.
  • Woba is a people intelligence platform that makes it easier for organizations to measure and improve employee well-being, engagement, and retention. Founded in 2016 by Malene Madsen. Estimated revenue is $1M per year.
  • SpillChat: All-in-one mental health support for employees. Spill provides therapy sessions, manager mental health training, and regular feelings check-ins — embedded into your company's Slack. Founded in 2017 by Calvin Benton, Gavin Dhesi. Received $3.5M in funding. Estimated revenue is $6M/year

5. White-Label around Micro SaaS

White-label is one the biggest and often neglected ways of generating revenues. A white-label software is a generic software without any branding that a company can rebrand with its own logo and sell as its own service. Most white-label products are plug and play mode and are easier to try.

It allows the purchasing company to get into the industry without having the capacity to make the product in the first place. It also saves them a lot of time and resources that they’d otherwise send making the product.

Another advantage of purchasing a white-label product is that the purchasing company can expand their current offerings by incorporating these products into their existing offerings, giving their customers more options. When companies purchase white-label items, they can expand their range of products and offer a more comprehensive experience to their customers.

So, why do companies create white-label products. ****White-label products help with scaling the satisfaction for your users. Let’s say you have 1000 users paying $50/m and you are seeing a lot of churns. The quickest and easiest way would be to add value to your users by adding something more to what you are currently offering to your subscribers/users. The fastest way to add ‘that additional value’ is by introducing a new feature, new product, new service that’s built on White-label. The white-label option is just another form of B2B. You are converting your B2C SaaS or service into a B2B by adding a new offering under the ‘white-label’ option.

The white-label option is often neglected by most founders/builders while it is actually a high-value revenue-generating option if executed well. White-label market primarily runs on the premise of - ”People who have audience can get the required tech/service in the form of white-label and can add value to their audience super-quick without a lot of hassles”

Micro SaaS examples around white-label products:

  • White-labelled quiz creator. Create quizzes and collect leads. Add more value to your customers with a white-label quiz creator. Currently at estimated revenue of $35K MRR.
  • Tribe is the easiest way you can set up a white-label community for your audience. Founded in 2018 and at an estimated revenue of $190K MRR.
  • White Label CRM and Marketing Automation Software. A Complete CRM system integrating marketing, sales, and operations, white-labeled for your brand and your clients. The estimated revenue is $260K/year.

6. Cohort-based Learning and E-Learning in Micro SaaS

Cohort-based learning is becoming increasingly popular due to several reasons. While self-paced courses are more towards passive learning and low engagement, cohort-based courses are more towards active learning and higher engagement and are often time-bound. By making things time-bound, the audience is forced to perform better with limited timelines. With a group of people learning together, cohort-based courses bring in implicit accountability. Also, cohort-based training is not just video courses, sometimes they involve workshops, assignments, tasks, etc too to make it more interactive.

The average price of cohort-based courses is always several times higher than the self-paced courses. Name it a boot camp, workshop, cohort-based courses, mastermind groups - all are nothing but learning together with a predefined timeline/schedule.

You can create micro-saas solutions specifically for Cohort-based learning. While there are tools like Notion, Google Docs, Zoom, Whereby, PPTs, etc to run Cohorts, there is still a need for platforms that automate most of the things needed for running cohorts. To run cohorts, there are a lot of things needed like building a webpage to sell the cohort course, adding members, sending emails, tracking attendance, accepting payments, receiving payments, asking for feedback, accepting reviews, etc.

In addition to cohort-based learning, narrowing down e-learning systems further can provide good opportunities for building profitable Micro SaaS. B2B E-learning systems, for eaxample, are growing at a rapid pace. Online learning and training solutions are in high demand these days, especially since so many people are working remotely. Organizations need solutions to create their e-learning systems all from one single dashboard. Similarly, Microlearning platforms are another good opportunity. Microlearning platforms typically offer content in the form of short videos, interactive quizzes, and other multimedia formats and are designed to help learners quickly acquire knowledge and skills in a specific area. They are often used to supplement traditional learning methods, such as classroom instruction, and can reinforce concepts or introduce new topics.

Micro SaaS examples around cohort-based and e-learning:

  • WP Courseware - WordPress LMS plugin that makes course creation simple and fast with an intuitive, drag-and-drop course builder. Crossed $23K MRR
  • ****- CSS code-golfing game where users replicate images visually with CSS in the least number of characters to climb the leaderboards. There are battles that happen regularly where different targets get unlocked. Apart from the code-golfing aspect, it is used for practicing and improving CSS by developers. Reached $1500 MRR
  • Cohort-based courses platform. Create and sell online live courses under customer’s own brand. Customers can run live classes on Zoom, collect online payments, and manage students. The estimated revenue is $155K per year.

7. Hiring challenges and Interview related Tools

Hiring is one problem that people are happy to pay for working solutions. Companies pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to find the right candidate and spend a lot of hours in hiring. Several key challenges within the hiring process present opportunities for micro SaaS solutions:

For screening a candidate, most companies conduct the first round of phone screening (telephonic interview) and it’s a manual effort most companies want to automate.

Next, for companies where thousands of resumes come in every month, it is practically not possible for companies to go through resumes and may need a pre-process step to process these steps and categorize the resumes based on dominating skills.

Local hiring vs international hiring is another major issue that totally different when companies look to hire for full-time positions. For outsourced work and freelancer positions, it may not matter much where the freelancer gets paid per hour and companies don’t need to worry about healthcare, insurance, or local government regulations. But for recruiting full-time positions, there needs a lot of work to be done to provide health and insurance benefits, ideas about local employment laws, taxes, background checks, etc. These and many other issues present opportunities for building Micro SaaS.

Micro SaaS examples around hiring challenges and interviews:

  • HireBeat is a tool to evaluate candidates with automated resume screening & video interviews along with collaborative screening to invite team members to evaluate candidates. Currently at $200K in revenue per year.
  • Adaface is candidate friendly assessment tool on the market with a lot of features. Currently making $500K in revenue per year.
  • A talent assessment tool to conduct customized online assessments using cloud platform. Currently Mettl is making $5M per year in revenue.

8. Micro SaaS A/B Testing Tools

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a product or website feature, called "A" and "B", to determine which one performs better. This is commonly used in website design, marketing, and product development to measure the effectiveness of changes and make data-driven decisions. For example, a company might create two versions of a website's homepage, one with a red "Buy" button (version A) and one with a blue "Buy" button (version B). They would then randomly show the two versions to different groups of users and measure which version leads to more purchases. The version that performs better, as determined by the chosen metrics, would be implemented for all users.

E-commerce sellers try various ways to see what product tiles, what product descriptions, what CTAs, and what price points are working the best. It’s often tough to test these manually and the best way would automate this as much as possible.

A/B testing is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, as it allows businesses to optimize their social media campaigns and improve their ROI.

Micro SaaS examples around A/B testing:

  • Social media management tool that also lets you monitor and A/B test variations to see what resonates best with your audience across multiple social networks. Founded by Laura Roeder in 2014, who bootstrapped it to $4MM in ARR in 2.5 years
  •**:** Helps users to A/B test thumbnails and titles live on YouTube. Founded by Rox in 2022. Reached $200 MRR in just 1.5 months with 15 paying users.
  • a form analytics tool that helps you design and test interactive website forms to capture new leads, and collect visitor feedback and also helps build multi-step forms using over 50+ templates and experiment with their variations using the inbuilt A/ B testing platform to improve user experience and maximize response rate. Used by 10,000 small businesses in 150+ countries.

See more SaaS ideas as well as ideas for building profitable digital products other than micro-saas.

5 Micro SaaS Trends in 2024

It becomes relatively quicker to gain initial traction and scale effectively by focusing on rapidly growing niches. Here are 5 Micro-SaaS trends to watch out for 2023:

AI Trend in Micro SaaS

The recent massive popularity of ChatGPT has resulted in an increased demand for niche AI tools. This trend has led to numerous success stories of founders bootstrapping their AI-based Micro SaaS including the following:

  • Journalist AI, an AI tool for SEO optimized articles generation by Afonso, crossed $15K MRR.
  •, a UI for ChatGPT by Tony Dinh, crosses $10K in revenue in less than 2 weeks after launch.
  • HeyGen, an AI video generation platform founded by Joshua reached $1M ARR in just 7 months.
  • Dealsourcr, an AI-powered tool by Ashley that helps UK investors find property deals hits £27K MRR
  • by Ping hit a new revenue milestone of $50k/month in 2023.
  • Chatbase built by Yasser reached $59,000 in MRR in 3.5 months
  •, an app to query documents using GPT-4, generated $1.9k revenue in just over a week
  • PhotoAI by Pieter Levels reached $18,000+ MRR with 587 customers after 4 weeks of launch.

Notion Ecosystem

Notion is “All-in-one workspace” for individuals and teams. It's a mix of documents, tables, wiki, task manager, notes. There are so many possibilities using Notion - You can build simple internal help pages, write detailed documents, add data in a table format, create a task list, manage projects, manage budgets with templates, make notes. In 4 years, Notion grew to 6 million users with a valuation of $2 billion. This is one of the fastest-growing niches. A few micro saas examples built for Notion:

  • - a notion-based website builder - reached $12.5k in sales, within the first month of its launch.
  •**:** Turns Notion docs into a hosted self-service Knowledge Base for customers without coding. Crossed $3K MRR with 130 paying customers in less than a year.
  • a form builder for Notion. Reached $10K MRR
  •, a Notion-based blogging platform by Bhanu hits $5.9k MRR.

Simpler Alternatives to Enterprise Products

Most enterprise products are bloated with features and come with a lot of complex configurations and setups. Because they've been in the market for a longer time, bigger companies' products tend to be more complex. That's where simpler products can come in and make things better to start getting traction and get paying customers. There are many successful products that are competing directly with big companies and enterprise businesses. This is a great niche opportunity. People are vexed with complex enterprise products and there is a market for simpler alternatives. A few examples of profitable micro saas in this niche:

  • Simple and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative. Launched in 2019 reached $100K+ MRR in Just 25 Months
  • SuperBlog: a blazing fast alternative to WordPress and Medium blogs. Users can focus on writing content instead of SEO audits, speed, and design. SuperBlog crossed $600 MRR in 3 months of building.
  • ShopRocket: For selling your products online. All the tools users need to sell from existing website, social channels and more, with no technical skills required. ShopRocket crossed $9K MRR.
  • Tiiny.Host: a micro saas to host and share your work online - marketing, prototyping, demos, testing, learning to code, small web apps, and many more use cases. Reached $6K MRR in 33 Months

See more examples of B2B SaaS ideas.

NoCode Trend in Micro SaaS

No-code tools empower non-technical founders to build digital products and apps easily. About 1M no-code builders are building apps without writing code. A few examples of no-code micro-saas tools bootstrapped by solo-founders:

  •**:** Automates content creation with Programmatic SEO. Pushes content directly to Wordpress, Webflow, or download for publishing elsewhere. Crossed $500+MRR in 1.5 Months.
  • Website builder that runs on Google sheets without writing code. Crossed $1K MRR within a year.
  •**:** a simple landing page builder for SaaS. Reached $16K MRR With 1000 Paying Customers
  •**:** Bannerbear helps users auto-generate social media visuals, ecommerce banners and more with their API and integrations. Current annual recurring revenue is $580K+.

Social Media Scheduling Tools

This is a great revenue-generating opportunity. There are hundreds of tools around this, yet there is a demand with more people looking for automation around posting content to multiple social media channels at once.

  • Easily plan & schedule your content for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter. The estimated revenue is $11M/year.
  • Instagram Marketing and Content Planning Solutions. The estimated revenue is $2.8M/year.
  • a social media management tool for all-sized businesses and solopreneurs, that helps to create, schedule, share, and automate content daily. Reached $4MM in ARR in 2.5 years

You can also acquire a SaaS/Micro-SaaS instead of building from scratch. See our guide on buying a SaaS business and SaaS metrics that offers some good insights and tips.

12 Best Micro-SaaS Examples for 2024 (With Revenue data)

  1. Jorge grew , an automation tool for B2B cold email outreach, to $22K/month revenue.
  2. Tailscan, a tool to build Tailwind website visually by Erwin, crossed $2.3K MRR
  3. Aayshu Nandini reached $4K in just one month with
  4. Sébastien Night crossed €18K MRR with
  5. Damon Chen reached $20K MRR with 
  6. Bhanu Teja reached $10K MRR with
  7. Julien Nahum built and grew it to $10K MRR
  8. Dominik Sobe crossed $3K MRR with
  9. Jacky Tan crossed $100K ARR with 2 SaaS products - APITemplate and CraftMyPDF.
  10. Davis Baer grew to $50K MRR along with co-founder
  11. Angus Cheng reached $7K MRR with
  12. Adam Berecz hits $100K+ annual revenue from

Check out this video for more Micro SaaS examples for 2024 with revenue data:

Find more software ideas with examples as well as tips on acquiring customers for your SaaS startup.